Explore The


A Daily Occurrence
Project that features inspiring documentary-driven photography of the artist’s everyday life.
After Dark
In these darker days, as we wait for the natural light of spring and summer, there are still so many light sources to be enjoyed. Let’s explore! Here are some examples of places to look for the light, and ways to create it.
All in the Frame
All in the Frame is a project in which mothers of many (3+ children) are making a conscious effort to beautifully capture all of their children within a single frame on a regular basis. Find this project on Instagram at #allintheframe.
All the images for retired collaborations exist here in one space.
Around Town
Beauty in Macro: Beauty of Macro is a collection of images from photographers who love to shoot macro.
Because You Were There Too
Because You Were There Too is a collaborative project inspired by the 2011 blog article “Because You Were There Too” by Sarah Wilkerson. As photographers, we are too frequently missing from the images we make, and this project reminds us to include ourselves in the moments we choose to document.
Becoming is a project celebrating girls as they navigate the complicated waters between 9 and 18 to discover who they are becoming.
Beyond Portraits
Beyond Portraits is a project dedicated to showcasing photographs outside of the portraiture genre.
Beyond Your Backyard
A collaborative project that began Jaunary 2024.
Creating Light
Off Camera Lighting showcases images that incorporate an element of artificial lighting; this can be done with speedlights and/or strobes and can be created within the studio or outside.
Collaborative project studying diptychs for November 2023
Telling the beautiful story of our everyday…faceless.
Film Love
Film Love features photographers who use film as a creative and expressive medium. The single, common thread in this project is the use of film; collaborators are free to explore any genre of photography.
Food Photography
Food Photography is a group project that celebrates food in our every day, from prep to finish.
From Up Above
a collection of photographs taken using drones
Lensbaby Love
Lensbaby Love is a project that focuses on creative exploration through experimentation with lens tilt, manual focus, blur, flare and soft focus, while solely utilizing Lensbaby Lenses.
Lenses on the Street
Lenses on the Street is a collection of images taken on the streets of our hometowns and the cities we visit
Life of Pets
Life of Pets is a project that celebrates the animals that share our lives by including them in our images. All types of pets are welcome.
Light Communion
Every photograph is a communion with light: a magical process of light rays entering our eyes, setting our brain alight with a vision that we suddenly feel compelled to capture for eternity.
Moving Portraits
Moving Pictures is a collaborative project that features glimpses of life in the form of short films. We are so excited to bring the medium of video to the Daily Project, introducing sound and movement with our images.
Multiple Exposure
Multiple Exposures collection of photographs created by combining more than one image in a single frame, making the final result intriguing and beautifully unique
Stories of Motherhood
We all have a story of motherhood to tell. Whether we are mothers ourselves or not. The relationships we have with our own Mothers, or our journey with motherhood ourselves, or the choice not to become a mother, the way we nurture our pets. They are stories that are woven through us, no matter where we are on our life’s journey. Statistically the view of a mother in photography is considered low in importance, the images created being seen as the product of a little hobby, or the view of an over indulgent parent. But truly, seeing these stories, capturing the immense juggle, the battle for validity, and the building up of future generations is some of our most important, most deeply heartfelt work. These are stories that need to be shared.
Taking Shape
This project will feature a different shape/compositional element each month.
The Color Collaborative
The Color Collaborative is a study of found (not styled) color. It focuses on how pops of color, neutral colors, strong complimentary or contrasting color palettes can be used to make a beautiful and interesting frame.
This is Me
A collection of self-portraits