January 10, 2021
NIKON D810 + SIGMA 35mm f/1.4 DG HSM Art
ƒ/ ISO
What is greater than playing in the rain, really? This girl is always up for a splash and a photo op! This was spring 2020 and it was raining great big drops (perfect for capturing the rain)...I wrapped my camera in a plastic shopping bag to get this shot and pushed my shutter speed to 1/1600 in order to capture all of those drops! Looking forward to all of the rain storms to come in spring 2021!!
Adrienne Kantukule
About 22 years ago I picked up my mom�s old Minolta 35 mm film camera and started experimenting with photography. I fast became addicted and have not set the camera down since. I truly love photography, but my greatest loves are my four babies and my amazing husband. My babies have become my muses and there is nothing I love more than to capture their essence and I don't know how I became so lucky that they love it most of the time too! Ha!
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